20 years of BERLIN


We’re throwing a party! Twenty years of BERLIN calls for a grand celebration in Ghent, hosted by our new friends at NTGent, as well as at Minard and De Expeditie. Over several weeks, we’ll present performances, installations, a concert, YouTurn projects, and a new publication. From Zvizdal to True Copy and The making of Berlin, plus collaborations within YouTurn with, among others, Barbara Raes/Beyond the Spoken and Dries Depoorter. Where will we see you?

26-28 Sep
- Yves Degryse, Bart Baele & Cathy Blisson / BERLIN - Zvizdal, Minard / tickets
03-05 Oct
- Yves Degryse & Bart Baele / BERLIN - True Copy, NTGent Schouwburg / tickets
10-12 Oct
- Yves Degryse / BERLIN - The making of Berlin, NTGent Schouwburg / tickets

Audio installation
03-12 Oct
- Yves Degryse & Bart Baele - Wie oud wordt..., NTGent Foyer / tickets

04-06 & 08-10 Oct
- Barbara Raes / Beyond the Spoken & Victoria Deluxe i.s.m. BERLIN & NTgent - One Day I Will Make The Onion Cry, De Expeditie / tickets & info
04 Oct
- Peter Van Laerhoven & Hannes d'Hoine / BERLIN - WeTurnTwenty (+ presentation We Lost Time To Gain Theatre), NTTent / free
04 & 05 Oct - Dries Depoorter & Manu Siebens / BERLIN - Recharge XL, NTTent / free

We Lost Time To Gain Theatre (available from Oct 5 on)

tour dates
